Welcome To River House Healing Arts

This election season has come with a wide range of reactions and feelings of uncertainty. If you’re feeling concerned or frightened, know that you’re not alone. Remember that hope and change begin “close in”. Start with yourself, taking good care, getting rest when you can, and connecting with others who love and support you. If you are able, take action with others locally. Start a book club or a gathering of people with whom you feel at home sharing your deepest concerns and also your joys. Guard your minds from the onslaught of mis and disinformation. Keep a critical mind, question what you hear and read, and check things out with a wide variety of sources. Raise awareness about things you think are important but that others aren’t talking much about. Move your body: walk, run, dance, pound on the earth. Sing, make music, create. Do the daily things with with an awareness that the little things matter: doing the dishes, making a meal, walking the dog, noticing kindness and beauty around you. There is no leader or any person in a place of power who is going to solve everything—it is US! We have to remember our power, even when it feels like only the power to put one foot in front of the other. We have to remember that we have rights and to USE these rights. Take up space, show up, be fully present. If you can find the courage to speak out, do so. Listen deeply.

If therapy seems like a supportive option, contact me. My commitment is to provide a supportive therapeutic environment for processing issues around politics and how legislative actions affect us. Political discussions will be navigated with professionalism and care, with a focus on your growth and healing. We will consider together how political and societal issues are affecting your your mental health, relationships, and sense of safety.